Lead a Class
Prerequisites for leading an HSU class:
- Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, and Rev. Sun Myung Moon as His Second Coming.
- Support Pastor Hyung Jin Sean Moon as Rev. Moon’s anointed heir.
- Maintain a good moral standard.
- Complete one HSU class.
- Create a Christ-centered, Bible-based curriculum (usually based on a book or video series).
- Attend the HSU Class Leader Training Seminar before the semester begins.
- Fill out the proposal form below and click “SEND” before the deadline, and have it approved.
You will receive email notification of approval status from your HSU Coordinator.
Sample Form Information
Class Title: “More Than A Carpenter”
Class Leader & Email Address: Hannah Smith, hanabanana@gmail.com
Class Location: Online Only
Meeting Day and Time (USA Eastern Standard Time) : Saturday 8:00 am EST
Class Description: In my class we will read and discuss one man’s personal journey from skeptic to believer in Jesus Christ in Josh and Sean McDowell’s “More Than a Carpenter”. This book explains why Christianity in not a religion, but is God coming to men and women through Jesus. A great read for those newly coming to Christ!
Name of Required Text and Author: More Than A Carpenter by Josh and Sean McDowell (revised edition), Bible